GABINETE Zona Almagro

Av Corrientes y Av Medrano
Caba Ar

Modalidad Reserva Anticipada

Lunes a Sabados

* utilizo de material descartable (cubrecamilla individual, etc)

sábado, febrero 11, 2012


Scientific name: Dracaena sanderiana
Synonymy: Dracaena thaloides
Popular Name: Bamboo-of-luck-Dracena sanderiana, Dracena-tape, Lucky bamboo
Family: Ruscaceae
Division: Angiospermae
Origin: Africa
Life Cycle: Perennial

Despite its name and appearance of the bamboo-luck is not a true bamboo. He belongs to the family Ruscaceae the same paw-of elephant and other Dracena, while the true bamboos belong to the Poaceae. If allowed to grow freely, this presents dracena medium, with 1 to 1.5 meters tall, erect, slender stems of herbaceous texture, and leaves lanceolate, narrow, evergreen and green. There are also varieties of beautiful variegated leaves with white or yellowish margins. The flowers are occasional and unimportant ornamental.

In landscaping, this is an option dracena bush, dense, tropical-looking, interesting sets and the formation of rows along the walls, especially in places with lower luminosity. It can also be used alone in pots and planters, patios and balconies adorning protected. However, the most common use of the bamboo-luck is packaged in interior decoration. Popularized by the traditional Chinese science of Feng Shui, it purchased and is offered as a gift in order to bring luck and good vibes to all that is new, such as weddings, births, graduations, opening businesses, real estate acquisition, new job, etc.. Shaped during growth by patients hands, the thin stems of the bamboo-luck acquire various forms such as spirals, hearts, zig-zags, in "s" in "8", towers, twisted and many other creative ways.

The number of stems of the bamboo-luck have special meanings according to the Chinese tradition of Feng Shui. Three for happiness, five for health, two for love, health and abundance for eight, nine for good fortune and happiness. The vases with bamboo-of-luck also symbolize the five elements of Feng Shui, the timber (the plant itself), water (from irrigation and toilet), earth (the substrate and rocks), fire (the tape red around the vessel or rod) and metal (the pieces of glass or any metal embellishment).

It should be grown in dappled shade or diffused light, in fertile soil, draining, enriched with organic matter and irrigated regularly. It can also be grown in water, so hydroponics for indoor use. Monthly fertilizations are sufficient for this species. Do not resist the intense cold and do not tolerate frost or soil salinity or water. The plants hydroponically should be conducted only 2.5 cm of the stem covered by water, which must be changed weekly and can not be chlorinated or fluoridated. If you use tap water, it must rest for at least 24 hours before watering, evaporation of harmful substances. Sudden changes in light can cause burns or falling leaves. Easily multiplied by cuttings.